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Having a sneaky little fox as pet might come across as seemingly dumb idea and partially a cruel one, hey look at the animals Michael Jackson owned. Hello he was wanting to get his Chimp operated on so he could talk to it.

Seriously though look at these… They are soooooo cute. Thanks to a company called Sibfox, you can now buy your very own pet fox. According to the website for the tame fox distributors at Sibfox, the little things are ”as devoted as dogs but as independent as cats, capable of forming deep-rooted bonds with human beings.”

If I remember correctly though cats can be more moody then judge Judy on a period so I’m not too sure if that is a bonus. So anyways I’ve decided since my birthday is a little way off (June 2011) I’m thinking you should all rake together and buy me a pet fox 🙂 You can buy it right here, I’m sure my housemates wouldn’t mind a cute baby fox running about the apartment.

Okay all serious though what do you guys actually think, should people be allowed to buy pet foxes?

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