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The new years hasn’t even arrived yet, and it is already looking like 2011 is going to be a busy one for me. I’ve decided to go out on a limb and enter my doco into a few film festivals. The first festival I’ll be entering is the West End film festival, that is if they let me hand a work in progress on 31st of December, so I can finalise my edit early january. There are just a few more shots and scenes that I want to work on, but i can’t do that until College reopnes on the 4th of January. Fingers crossed 🙂 Then once I’ve finished I’ll also be entering it into a few film festivals in Canada. Which is a great opportunity for me, and will hopefully gain some exposure and who knows i might even win an award or two.

Its strange, the beginning of this year I started at JMC studying Entertainment Business Management and after a week swapped over to Film and Digital Television. Looking back now after completing my first year I can proudly say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I’m also working on a couple of scripts over the summer break that I plan to get into action in 2011. So yes the creative juices are flowing well over the brim. I thought 2010 was a big year for me, but there is no denying 2011 will overshadow that completely.

There have been many things I’ve learnt about life and also myself this year while studying, but i think the biggest lesson I’ve learnt is from a quote that i once read

“Immerse yourself in what inspires you the most”

I remember reading that quote numerous times over the past few years, but 2010 has been the year that I’ve really put it into practise.  So I guess that is what I want to encourage you with immerse yourself in what inspires you the most and watch the world around you change.

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