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I always applaud a celebrity that uses their platform to promote change. As divisive as Madonna can be at times when she’s got a message she wants to share with the world, she’s relentless and will not let anything stand in her way.

Her latest music video, ‘God Control’ is a visual but disturbing masterpiece that ends in a disco bloodbath. It comes with a message that Madonna delivers purely unashamed. In regards to gun control, she wants America to wake up and make changes.

Directed by Jonas Akerlund, the clip opens with a warning, “The story you are about to see is very disturbing. It shows graphic scenes of gun violence. But it’s happening everyday.”

What follows is a strong call for gun control, both in the lyrics and in a written statement at the end that reads, “Every year over 36,000 Americans are killed in acts of gun violence and approximately 100,000 more are shot and injured. No one is safe. Gun control. Now.”

The clip also features a quote by civil rights activist Angela Davis: “I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

It comes as no surprise the video purposely brings up comparisons with the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting that resulted in 49 people dead and 53 injured in June of 2016. In a lead up to the video’s release, the singer had this to say, “If you’re sitting alone in your apartment all day and you’re writing about the downfall of humanity, it tends to get you down. After a while, you need to have fun. So, where does a girl go? She goes to a disco!”

“I tried to bring the world of disco and freedom, and having that joy silenced by a small thing made of metal that can end someone’s life. Guns need to be made illegal.”

And it seems Madonna isn’t about to back down anytime soon. It’s a powerful video that is sure to shock many but also get people talking.

“This is your wake up call. Gun violence disproportionately affects children, teenagers and the marginalized in our communities. Honor the victims and demand GUN CONTROL. NOW.” The performer writes in the video description on YouTube, “Volunteer, stand up, donate, reach out. Wake up and insist on common-sense gun safety legislation. Innocent lives depend on it.”

The description finishes her encouraging the support of numerous organisations calling for changes to gun control in America. Madonna’s ‘God Control’ is a blunt and powerful call to action and will, without a doubt, lose a few fans in America, but the Queen of Pop gives zero fucks!

[Originally published via GoHakka]

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