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If you haven’t signed up to Disney+ and binged the first two episodes of the Star Wars’ live-action TV series, The Mandalorian, then you missed out on the adorableness that is this…

Nicknamed Baby Yoda, since he literally looks like a baby version of the iconic pointy-eared Jedi Master who’s species has never been revealed. The pint-sized creature has taken the internet by storm while capturing hearts all over the world.

He truly manifests everything wholesome and good in the universe, and as a result, has inspired endless memes, and now the 50-year old infant has his own song.

Thanks to Parry Gripp of Nerf Herder fame, we now have a musical tribute in the form of ‘Baby Yoda (Floating In A Pod.’ The short but catchy song is a hundred times better than that godforsaken ‘Baby Shark’ song. Check it out for yourself below.

While we’re yet to see precisely how Baby Yoda will factor into the overall narrative of the first season, I’ve got my fingers crossed we’ll be seeing a lot more of the cutey for some time to come!

New episodes of The Mandalorian premiere every Friday exclusively on Disney+.

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