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So I’m a little late with my latest update from the inside. It’s been ten days since I found myself in mandatory self-isolation. It’s been one hell of an emotional rollercoaster.

During this time, I found myself go through just about every emotion possible. However, I can proudly say, I’m a heck of a load much better than I was a few days ago.

I guess the last couple of days have been that breaking point in my mind, where I’ve come to accept this time as an opportunity to reset. In doing so, I found despite all the unknown, I have a hope within to push forward.

Now is not the time to wallow in self-pity. Now is the time to ask, “What do I want out of life?”

Find that answer, grasp it, holding it close to the heart, and the next part may come easier than you realise. Now, I understand our current way of life is kind of at a standstill. But that does not mean you still can’t work towards your goal.

I’ll explain what I mean…

If you’re a drag queen, practice routines or write up some new ones. Utilise this time to work on costumes and music. Even clean out all those old costumes and accessories you’ve been procrastinating in doing. Go live and provide people with a few laughs. Remember, it was the drag queens that kept spirits high during the AIDs epidemic. Venues may be closed, but you can still bring joy to so many people’s lives.

If you’re a musician. Practice. Find a song that challenges and make it your mission to learn. Write! From some of the most messed up situations, musicians have written songs that have inspired the masses. Hop online and rehearse. While you may not have your gigs, you can still entertain and inspire. More than ever, we need sweet music to our ears.

If you’re an artist, turn your frustration into pieces of jaw-dropping masterpieces. If you’re a writer, set those words within your head free. Write that story you’ve always wanted to. You see where I’m going with this?

Throughout history, it was the world-changing moments that inspired some of the most beautiful pieces of art, literature, music, theatre, etc. This is your chance to change the world and bring something new into it.

Take your craft, grow it, refine it, love it, and turn it into something magical!

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