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It’s been a while since I last left an update on here. The world has been at a bit of a standstill in the wake of COVID-19. I’ve found this time to be an opportunity to reassess my life and in many ways, provide it with a bit of reset.

Won’t lie, when I got back from Japan and had to deal with mandatory self-isolation, it was a bit of a shock to my system. Locked away from the world, I found myself looking within. In doing so, I found a lot of things I wanted to change, both within myself and moving forward.

One huge aspect of this was focussing on my own personal dreams and passions. If anything COVID-19 showed me that the world we know it can vanish in the blink of an eye. And it had. With the world in its stage of unknownness, I made the conscious decision that to move forward, I would make my creative passions more of a focus in my life.

I realised with the world in shutdown now was a better time than never to expand and refine my creative passions. As a result, I enrolled in Uni to do a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing. As I threw myself into my studies, the world started to open back up and found myself also going back to work. For a while, it was running rather smoothly and then there was this moment.

When you work somewhere for eight years, it becomes somewhat of a comfort zone. A bubble. One that I felt protected in that I also realised was time to pop. The pandemic for me gave me a glimpse that I could reset my life moving forward. As the state started opening back up, I found myself realising I was running the risk of repeating cycles that I had seen myself doing for so long.

I realised if I was going to reset my life, I had to change everything. With the decision to focus on my creative passions, my studies and also get to know what this newfound me would be, I handed in my notice at work.

After eight years, I’d be lying if there weren’t bittersweet feelings. During my time there, I have had the privilege of crossing paths with some inspiring and talented people. Some I am fortunate to call friends. Fond memories were made, not to mention the growth as a person I experienced during my time working there.

It’s been nearly two weeks since I finished up at work. So how am I feeling? Honestly, I’m doing pretty good. I’ve thrown myself into my studies and found it has sparked a creativity within that had been a little stagnant. Not to mention the benefits of surrounding myself with likeminded people has been nothing short of inspiring. With a bit of soul searching, I’ve also come to the realisation of what I can live with and what I can live without in life. There is this wonderful sense of emancipation that sweeps over you when you get to this point. And I freakin’ love it!

I’ve pressed the reset button and I’m ready to see where this ride takes me. Some think I’m a little crazy while others have congratulated me. But at the end of the day, none of that matters because I’m finally living for me. Where that takes me, I’m yet to see.

The future is always going to be unknown. Nothing is set in stone. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have an adventure along the way!

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